

Kamil's education in Industrial Design Engineering at the University of Alberta laid the foundation for his career. With a focus on product design and user experience, he's honed his skills in crafting meaningful experiences and innovative solutions. This background led him to his current role at Exhibit Studio, where he designs systems and experiences that meet the diverse needs of clients and stakeholders.

Kamil is driven and motivated by projects that present challenges, especially those that require problem-solving skills to navigate. He finds fulfillment in work that incorporates principles of thoughtful and innovative design, where every detail matters, and where he can apply a level of design thinking that creates meaningful solutions. Additionally, empathetic design, where the end goal is to make a positive impact on people's lives by understanding their needs and experiences, is a particularly inspiring area of work that deeply resonates with Kamil.

Outside of work, Kamil enjoys collecting watches, travelling, and practicing Muay Thai for fitness. He has been playing the guitar for over a decade as part of his passion for music.